The trader company of Almería LQA, managed by Jose Manuel Escobar, will increase its supply of ecological in the present year until surpassing the 3,000 tons of vegetables. This company, directed towards the export, closed the year 2007 with 3.500 exported tons, of which the 31 per cent were ecological product.
The strategy of the company is linked to the ecological supply of vegetables and for 2008 it will increase its range more than 300 per cent. The company will have more than 200 tons of green ecological asparagus, nearly 700 tons of sweet potato and nearly 2,000 tons of ecological aubergine, thanks to the starting of 20 hectares of surface of this product, which made of it the Spanish company leader of this vegetable.
The LQA objective is «to increase the surface for production of ecological vegetables and to increase the supply», said Jose Manuel Escobar.
The strong volumes of the company is courgette with 2,000 tons, thanks to the good relationship with companies specialized on this product and to the property La Reserva. It also commercialized nearly 400 tons of bean.
The 85 per cent of their supply goes to the British market, where it develops the activity for Tesco, Sainsbury´s and Waitrose. The company also works in the markets of France, Belgium and Germany with the brand LQA.