
Casur starts the commercialization of the Kumato

Antonio Martín is manager in Casur

The company of Almería Casur looks towards the tomato specialties and consecrates some of its varieties like the Raf tomato, grape cherry, the varieties cocktail and it will commercialize exclusive right in Spain Duné pear cherry.

The strategy of specialization in tomato of Casur also reaches the Kumato. Right now, Casur is one of the three Spanish companies authorized to produce and commercialize exclusive right this kind of black tomato for the European market.

The specialization of Casur is linked to markets of added value and for this reason the company develops its commerce in the Scandinavian destinations like Sweden or Denmark and in Ireland «where we have been able to open ours first programs», said Antonio Maria Martín, manager of Casur.

The company ended the campaign 2006-2007 with a volume of 33,000 tons of which the 98 per cent were tomatoes. The 2 per cent were 800,000 kilos of watermelon.

The company has 100 hectares of surface with solutions IPM in tomato, and has started the development of the ecological line and at the moment it has 2 hectares.