That company is not only specialist in tomato, also bet on the summer fruits, like melon and watermelon.
«Reina De Casi is the watermelon that wins the first position in the market about the flavour», indicate from the company. It is a watermelon of the Fashion Variety, which has been able to combine the variables that the market demands. It is to say: medium size (3-6kilos), of dark skin and intense red inside without seeds.
The zone of growing (La Cañada – Nïjar) rich in brackish waters contributes to this variety with the essential difference with the rest of commercialized watermelons.
Harvesting of fruits is made when the level of sugar surpasses 10 degrees Brix. «Only those watermelons which have done this process are apt to take the seal of Reina de Casi, which in addition they are certified by Aenor», affirm the technicians of Casi.