Rewe is a group of independent retailers and works at the moment like wholesaler, providing to more than 3,000 supermarkets.
Doego Fruchthandel und Import eG is the provider of Rewe Dortmund of fruits and fresh vegetables although it ally has been always Bocchi. However, Rewe informed that opened its range of suppliers in 2006.
White marks
Rewe has also bet on the white marks and at the moment Rewe and Ja are the reference brands. For ecological Füllhorn, for more than 120 biological products, including fruits and vegetables, and that will possibly in short it will be called ReweBio.
The exigencies of Rewe for the fruits and vegetables suppliers increased at the end of 2007. The present protocol forces them to assure its products with a 70 per cent below the maximum limit allowed.
The group works on unifying the different kinds of stores but up to date it has not been possible and they continue operating with a ten of names. The Rewe stores join from small commerce of district -Nahkauf- to stores discount -Penny -.
Penny is the most well-known example with 2,000 stores and they intend to open 150 stores in 2008.
At wholesale level, Rewe has Fegro and Selgros, both centred on fresh product , and Rewe- Großverbraucher-Service.