
The 75 per cent of the supply of Canalex is IPM

Juan Diego Cantón, is a commercial of Canalex.

9 years ago Canalex started the production of vegetables with IPM. It was of the pioneers in the West Valley of Almería. Today it has 330 hectares of IPM, which means the 75 per cent of its productive surface.

The company ended the campaign 2006-2007 with a commercialization of 60,000 tons in where pepper and watermelon were the important products.

The 70 per cent of the 330 hectares of biological control are the line of pepper and the 30 per cent is divided among courgette, cucumber and aubergine. «All our pepper is with biological control», said Juan Diego Cantón of the commercial department of Canalex.

The development of the biological control in the supply of Canalex has been important «to be able to approach directly operations with Doego Dortmund –Rewe -, Extra, Edeka, Metro and Tegüt in Germany; Spar in Austria and Carrefour in France «, said Cantón.

«the experience of previous years in biological control has allowed us to play successfully and force our suppliers on the necessity to do biological control, since we know that this system of control of plagues works», said Cantón.

Canalex had 60 hectares of biological control in crops of pepper in the previous year and «during the last campaign we prepared the greenhouses to jump into this year», said Cantón.

The start of the ecological production is linked to the development of the biological control, where the company will develop a line in 50 hectares, of 15 producers. Pepper, aubergine and Dutch cucumber are the range of ecological for this year.