
Mabe already stands out in the East

Flavio Alzueta is a commercial of Mabe.

The company Mabe initiates its commercial walking at the beginning of the decade of the 80. Its range of product is diversified among pepper California –16,000 tons -; aubergine –4,000 tons -; cucumber of Almeria –4,000 tons -; and finally, 6,000 tons between courgette and French cucumber. All of them commercialized with 4 marks: «Mabe and Karin for the standard quality and Qmax and Working for the extra product», explains Flavio Alzueta, commercial of Mabe.


In the scope of the destinations, they stand out like the main clients United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, France and countries of the East. It is indeed in Poland and Russia where the company is opening new fronts of growth (See graph on page 46).

And it is that Mabe returns to its beginnings after several campaigns in the Group Naces and retakes in solitaire its incursions in the international market. «When Mabe was part of Naces, put in the market 14,000 tons. Today we commercialized 30,000 tons. The evolution is well-known «, affirms Alzueta.


Mabe is a company leader in the Almería fruits and vegetables sector, being one of the first in being registered in the protocols of quality UNE 155.001 and Eurepgap.

Since the year 2002, the trader company has got the authorization of the use of the mark ”Certified Quality” of the Junta de Andalucía for the crops of pepper, aubergine and courgette and adds to certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 and BRC. At the present time it is in process of implantation of the protocol Nature Choice to develop commercial activities with the Tesco chain.