The company García Mateo & Sinova, leaders of the import of asparagus in the European Union, has ended the campaign 2006-2007 with a volume of 3,500 tons, which makes of it the first fresh importer of green asparagus in the UE. Italy, France, Germany and United Kingdom are the main countries that receive their products.
The company in Peru is supplied by the producers Athos and Incafrut in exclusive right and has preferential agreements with Morava and Agroparacas, has 4 brands according to the criterion of brands of this company.
García & Mateo is also strengthening their position in the import of strawberry to Europe coming from the South American continent, mainly from Peru. 4 years ago this company began its work in this kind of business, and today, strawberry is imported in a volume that reaches the 320,000 kilograms, which meant an increase of 100.000 kilograms opposite to the last year, in a surface of crop of approximately 20 hectares in the Andean country.
The distribution of the products to other countries of the Old Continent like Spain, France, and Italy, mainly, is made by airlines since this product does not have another way of transporting due to its intrinsic peculiarities and to their condition of out of season product and at the time of trading the strawberry.
The quality is guarantied with two brands: Colibrí and Cóndor, this last one, with a main destination, El Corte Inglés.