By Daniel Lafuente
Frutícola Empordá, located in Sant Pere Pescador (Gerona), has had an important change of shares of cooperative to mercantile society and with a total of 47 partners and 5 producer-collaborators with 536 hectares which provide 14,100 tons of fruits: «They are familiar farms, which allow having more rational and worked crops. It means that a higher quality of the fruits is obtained «, said Isidre Solá commercial director of Fructícola Empordá.
Apples are the 91 per cent of its volume, 6 per cent are pears and the 3 per cent are distributed between peach and nectarine. The campaign 2007-08 looks balanced enough. «For this year they hope to repeat the figures of the previous campaign which indeed was quite good», indicates Solá,
The 80 per cent of their incoming are from the Spanish market and the rest are Portugal, France, Algeria and Italy as destinations: «we are also operating with the Countries of the East, mainly with Russia, because it is necessary to open new markets», said Solá.
Frutícola Empordá started its activity about the middle of February of 1970. For storage, preparation and packaging of fruits, a power station in the municipality of Sant Pere Pescador with a capacity of 4,500 tons is built.
The cooperative is getting ready to face new challenges of the market since July of 2004. In order to improve the capacity of management and production, it is transformed into limited society and it is named Frutícola Empordá S.L.