

Juan Cantón.

The Canalex company has extended its calendar of production and commercialization. At the present time, it includes since the months of March until July and is one of the companies that have evolved so much in the watermelon commerce in the last years.

For the present campaign it produces a supply around between 15.000-20.000 tons with a very big range of watermelons: white without seeds, Sugar baby, Crimson and of yellow inside.

The company of Almería is supplied of several zones of production and has diversified its origin towards Murcia and Seville. Although its main productive centre keeps on being Almería.

It works with several marks based on the customer profile, being Colours and Sol de Canalex, its reference marks.

The destinations include all the European zone: Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavian Countries, Countries of the East and Spain, among others.