Agrocarchuna is getting ready to face the exercise 2007-2008 with the challenge to grow in new markets under one double strategy: The attainment of the Eurepgap certification encourages to the commercial department to look for the markets of added value. In fact, specific actions for the British, Swiss and Nordic markets are being prepared.
The cucumber monopolizes the 90 per cent of the commercialization of Agrocarchuna 16,000 tons -.
The other way comes from hand of the new emergent markets «In the East we began to establish the first commercial relations», says Jose Luis Perez, commercial director of the company during the last 20 years.
It is the case of sendings sent to Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic. Indeed in this last country, is where the increase of the exported volume is shown better. And it is that of 125 tons sent in the campaign 2005/06 in the following exercise it was 540 tons.
The range of products of Agrocarchuna is not only cucumber, but it is also perona bean, melon, watermelon, cherry tomato and Italian pepper, being able to supply 1,000 tons.
The company Agrocarchuna already has the Eurepgap certificate for the 60 per cent of its supply of Dutch cucumber and certificate BRC with reach ENAC.