Lidl is not the only example of guarantees of the group Schwarz. This group, that is developing its activity in 8.700 stores in 20 countries, has made a big group of stores divided in 4 groups, according to quality levels and the place of linear.
Besides Lidl, the group has Kaufland, KaufMarkt and Handelshof. The natural feature of this group has been always the aggressive policy of expansion when it arrives in a new destination and the doses of innovation.
The segment of fruits and vegetables has shown important changes but adapted to the innovating philosophy of the company within the scene discount. Lidl is working on increasing its biological supply of fruits and vegetables, that introduced in 2006 with the mark Bioness. It also has introduced product called right commerce in 2006 with the mark Fairglobe.
The producers that work with Lidl cannot surpass in one third part the maximum content of residues legally established for an active substance.