
Metro is prepared to overcome another reconstruction

Metro has its strongpoint like wholesaler opposite to the continuous slips that this group had in the retail segment.

Metro is living in continuous reconstruction and F&H had access to well- informed group into the commerce of the German distribution «we can see big problems of profitability of the Extra supermarket».

Data: Extra at the moment is operating in the North and the West of Germany and Berlin, and has removed part of its stores of the East and the South, that at the moment Rewe is operating.

Metro today

The continuous reconstructions have guide Metro to define their line of business in wholesalers and supermarkets. All these changes made the executives of the company betting on white marks to fidelity the market «whatever it was the name of the brand or the group», a spokesman of Meter said.

The strategy of white marks also has arrived at the segment of fruits and fresh vegetables. The company “Cali” is in this line of business, which has more projection at international level that among the German market.

Like wholesaler, Makro is the most well-known company, thought for the Horeca channel and in where the important range of references in fruits and fresh vegetables stands out surpassing 200 articles.

The retail distribution is centralized through Real and Extra. Real are department store of supermarkets with a big supply in fresh products and that has 427 stores.

Extra has 252 supermarkets with a big supply in fresh products and some of them with a very “discount”philosophy.