
Aldi a strategy linked to the cheapest

Aldi is price and the line of fruits and vegetables it does not get rid of this philosophy.

Aldi keeps on having a philosophy of price. The keys to get it are a highest structural efficiency and logistic, privileged position in negotiations, a simple presentation of products and the minimum effort of publicity.

Another key is much reduced assortment and articles of high rotation. No Aldi store surpasses the 40 fruits and vegetables references. However, some stores have increased the assortment of fruits and fresh vegetables to the 60 products/week.

Discount Aldi is very exacting about the times and the sending decided and this company looks for suppliers that guarantee lasting relations and in long terms.

Aldi Nord and Süd

Aldi Nord is in the north and east of Germany and its operative depends on 35 independent regional societies and works for 2,500 stores.

Aldi Süd is formed by 31 regional societies, of which each one operates in a clearly delimited territory with about 50 retail markets. Aldi Sud gives work to 1,600 establishments.